Oil Patch Press was founded in the late summer of 2014 to publish books of interest to royalty owners and industry professionals. Then the oil industry began tanking beginning in the fall of 2014, just two months after Oil Patch Press was founded. The timing was not right to pursue writing and distributing books for landowners. It especially was not the time to begin marketing books to train professional division order analysts and lease analysts in the industry. Those professionals were losing their jobs right and left by early 2015.
Cautious investment in oil and gas exploration had begun again by early 2017, based on hope that the industry would recover the floor price for oil allowing some measure of profit. By late 2017, the oil industry appeared to have stabilized somewhat. Oil was selling at a level by then that allowed producers to turn a marginal profit. We now are on the cusp of a resurgence of the oil industry in America.
Finally, the timing was right. Oil Patch Press went back to work to bring books to the market, books for royalty owners and for oil and gas professionals.
Visit our Bookstore page now, to see what is available currently. More books are on their way over the next months, so sign up now to be notified as soon as each new book gets listed!
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Marsha Breazeale, M.Ed., CDOA, CPLTA

Marsha Breazeale is a Division Order Supervisor with 40 years of experience as a division order analyst and lease analyst in the petroleum industry. She is certified by the National Association of Division Order Analysts and the National Association of Lease and Title Analysts.
A division order analyst is typically the oil company employee who decides who is entitled to a share of royalties, and the size of that share, based on title documents. The revenue accounting department then prints royalty checks based on the title analysis by the division order analyst.
For many years Marsha taught seminars and workshops to train the division order analysts and leases analysts of some of the biggest companies in the industry, such as ExxonMobil, EOG, Anadarko, and many others.
Marsha has decided to share her knowledge with landowners to help them understand why oil companies interact with royalty owners the way they do. She also has decided to make available expanded versions of her workshop manuals and materials, to oil and gas professionals, for training purposes.